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What is poverty essay

What is poverty essay

These children are often not seen by a physician until the illness has gotten to an emergent stage. If both the husband and wife work in the same, the husband can drop the three-year-old off at daycare, then drop the seven-year-old off at school, then his wife to her job before going to his job. They did not work hard enough, they were lazy, and they were careless with their money. Follow Facebook Twitter. These families go without a lot more than just vacations. One of the main sources is…, what is poverty essay.

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The United states has the highest rate of poverty among wealthy countries, what is poverty essay. The official poverty line is based on what the federal government considers to be the minimum amount of money required for living at a subsistence level Kendell, Sociologists define poverty in two ways, absolute and relative. Absolute poverty is when the household income is so low that the family cannot afford the basic necessities such as food, water, shelter. Relative poverty on the other hand is when the family can meet the basic human needs, but do not have the disposable income to live at the economic standards of other people within their surroundings.

The family in the descriptor is considered to be living in relative poverty because they can provide the basic needs but are unable to afford anything above that. Families such as these are not afforded the luxuries that most of us take for granted. The goods and services that I included in my monthly budget were utilities, rent, food, daycare, auto payments, what is poverty essay, auto insurance, cable, internet, phone, school lunches, movies, eating out, healthcare insurance premiums plus copays and deductibles, vacations, and credit card payments. What is poverty essay the original utilities came from speaking to my mother about the average cost of her utilities which included herself, and three other people living in her household.

How it works. They should keep the more economical vehicle in order to further save money. If both the husband and wife work in the same, the husband can drop the three-year-old off at daycare, then drop the seven-year-old off at school, then his wife to her job before going to his job. Both the eating out and entertainment were eliminated. Daycare and summer care could not be reduced or eliminated since there are no other family or friends who can sit with the children while the parents are at work. This can either be eliminated or reduced by half since some schools offer free lunch to all students regardless of income, what is poverty essay.

Others school systems base their lunch prices on the number of people in the household and income. During the summer, children can get free meals when attending summer daycare programs offered through the school system. Next, I will discuss what most people feel are needs but are actually wants, what is poverty essay. This gives you minutes of talk time and text messages per month, what is poverty essay. If the phone is only used in emergency situations these minutes will last the entire year. Cable and internet are not a necessity and is something that a family can live without.

The local public library provides both free internet access and movies that can be rented. Eating out was done four times per month and going to movies twice per month, what is poverty essay. Taking vacations is not even an option. All children have the dream of going to Disney World and seeing Mickey Mouse, but this family along with thousands of others are unable to do this. I know they want their kids to have the things they did not have growing up, but without high paying jobs, this is not even a possibility. The cost of living and medical insurance premiums are going up yearly and most households do not even get yearly raises on their jobs. Some families have chosen the option of going below the poverty line in order what is poverty essay qualify for food stamps, rental assistance, what is poverty essay, utility assistance, and free or low-cost health insurance.

Although this does not seem the logical thing to do, but sometimes this is the only option. Families what is poverty essay at the poverty line can find free or low-cost alternatives to vacationing, what is poverty essay. Public parks usually do not charge an admission fee and you can also swim for free. If you live close to the ocean, you can take day trips to the beach. Bridgestone arena sometimes gives away unsold tickets to certain events. You would need to speak to someone who works there or even better work the events on the weekends on an as needed basis. You do not have to work every weekend only when you want. This way you can get your own free tickets and take the kids to Disney on ice, hockey games, what is poverty essay, and concerts.

These families go without a lot more than just vacations. They do not have extra money in case of car breakdowns and emergency medical services. If they miss work due to a personal illness or a sick child, and do not have vacation or sick days, their checks will be smaller for that week. This may end up putting them in jeopardy of doing without some of the monthly necessities. Schools frown upon sending sick kids to school. There are some children who do not have the luxury of even eating out, even at fast food restaurants. I had a couple of friends in high school who had never eaten at McDonalds.

Although it may seem like a cheap, inexpensive meal that we feel everyone should be able to afford, it is not what is poverty essay the case. I participated in every extracurricular activity that I could during my elementary and middle school years. I know the monthly fees for the activities had to be upwards of a several hundred dollars a month. I never went without anything as a child. Children who experience poverty have an increased chance of dropping out and never completing high school. Their self-esteem and emotional wellbeing takes a hit during these years because they do not have the same things that other children their age have.

They disengage in school, do not participate in activities, and eventually become loners. They what is poverty essay often left out when it comes to school activities or trips that require a fee because their parents do not have the money to pay for these activities. Children raised in poverty and at the poverty line tend to miss school more than children not raised in poverty because of illnesses and unaffordable medical care. These children often harbor resentment towards their parents because of their financial situation. Children living at this level of poverty will more likely have to skip college because most students do not qualify for full grants to cover both tuition and housing.

This means that the child would have to depend on student loans or their parents to pay the remainder of the tuition. As we all know, student loan debt to put even the highest income makers in poverty because of the monthly payments that are due once the student finishes college. Students still have to pay rent, utilities, car payments, plus the student loans. Each succeeding generation of undereducated adults merely replaces the one before it without achieving any upward mobility what is poverty essay escape from poverty Fay, n.

If a child skips college altogether, their prospects of getting a job paying a decent wage is limited. Since they have no secondary education or skills, they would be lucky to make above minimum wage. These jobs are usually not full-time. Most people end up working two part-time jobs to make a full-time salary, what is poverty essay. These part-time jobs do no offer healthcare and if they do, it is so what is poverty essay that it would not be logical to sign up for it. Since child development during early years lay the foundation for later health and development, children must be given the best possible start in life. Early childhood poverty is a factor that affects not only the brain architecture and neurologic and endocrine functions but affects the probability of lifelong illnesses such as cardiac disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes Esposito, Since most children who live at the poverty line have limited healthcare or no healthcare coverage altogether, what is poverty essay, when they become ill, the parents often try to treat them at home instead of taking them to see a physician.

These children are often not seen by a physician until the illness has gotten to an emergent stage. This can cause more damage, thus leading to chronic medical conditions, what is poverty essay. These conditions will likely affect their lives throughout adulthood. Children without adequate dental coverage may go their entire childhood without ever seeing a dentist. Dental issues can end up causing what is poverty essay major medical issues later in life. Children who live in poverty also have an increased chance of depression. This depression usually continues throughout their lifetime, which can affect their job performance and increased absences from work. Since this family is at the poverty line, they do not qualify for government assisted medical coverage, what is poverty essay.

The parents usually have to choose between having a place to live versus having medical insurance. They what is poverty essay choose the having a place to live and food to eat. As you can see, escaping from poverty is very difficult and can lead to a rotating cycle in which their children end up living in poverty, then their children after them, then so on and so forth. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works.

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I know they want their kids to have the things they did not have growing up, but without high paying jobs, this is not even a possibility. The cost of living and medical insurance premiums are going up yearly and most households do not even get yearly raises on their jobs. Some families have chosen the option of going below the poverty line in order to qualify for food stamps, rental assistance, utility assistance, and free or low-cost health insurance. Although this does not seem the logical thing to do, but sometimes this is the only option. Families living at the poverty line can find free or low-cost alternatives to vacationing.

Public parks usually do not charge an admission fee and you can also swim for free. If you live close to the ocean, you can take day trips to the beach. Bridgestone arena sometimes gives away unsold tickets to certain events. You would need to speak to someone who works there or even better work the events on the weekends on an as needed basis. You do not have to work every weekend only when you want. This way you can get your own free tickets and take the kids to Disney on ice, hockey games, and concerts. These families go without a lot more than just vacations. They do not have extra money in case of car breakdowns and emergency medical services. If they miss work due to a personal illness or a sick child, and do not have vacation or sick days, their checks will be smaller for that week.

This may end up putting them in jeopardy of doing without some of the monthly necessities. Schools frown upon sending sick kids to school. There are some children who do not have the luxury of even eating out, even at fast food restaurants. I had a couple of friends in high school who had never eaten at McDonalds. Although it may seem like a cheap, inexpensive meal that we feel everyone should be able to afford, it is not always the case. I participated in every extracurricular activity that I could during my elementary and middle school years. I know the monthly fees for the activities had to be upwards of a several hundred dollars a month.

I never went without anything as a child. Children who experience poverty have an increased chance of dropping out and never completing high school. Their self-esteem and emotional wellbeing takes a hit during these years because they do not have the same things that other children their age have. They disengage in school, do not participate in activities, and eventually become loners. They are often left out when it comes to school activities or trips that require a fee because their parents do not have the money to pay for these activities. Children raised in poverty and at the poverty line tend to miss school more than children not raised in poverty because of illnesses and unaffordable medical care.

These children often harbor resentment towards their parents because of their financial situation. Children living at this level of poverty will more likely have to skip college because most students do not qualify for full grants to cover both tuition and housing. This means that the child would have to depend on student loans or their parents to pay the remainder of the tuition. As we all know, student loan debt to put even the highest income makers in poverty because of the monthly payments that are due once the student finishes college. Students still have to pay rent, utilities, car payments, plus the student loans. Each succeeding generation of undereducated adults merely replaces the one before it without achieving any upward mobility or escape from poverty Fay, n.

If a child skips college altogether, their prospects of getting a job paying a decent wage is limited. Since they have no secondary education or skills, they would be lucky to make above minimum wage. These jobs are usually not full-time. Most people end up working two part-time jobs to make a full-time salary. These part-time jobs do no offer healthcare and if they do, it is so expensive that it would not be logical to sign up for it. Since child development during early years lay the foundation for later health and development, children must be given the best possible start in life. Early childhood poverty is a factor that affects not only the brain architecture and neurologic and endocrine functions but affects the probability of lifelong illnesses such as cardiac disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes Esposito, Is there a Direct Link between Social Exclusion and Poverty?

The reasons usually given concerning why people live in poverty usually concern the achievements of an individual. They did not work hard enough, they were lazy, and they were careless with their money. All these reasons lay blame on the individual. These reasons can also lead individuals to lack sympathy for those living in poverty. One of them is divorce or generally marital status. People who go through a divorce or a break up experience have a high chance of experiencing poverty. Another reason that a lot of people experience poverty in their life is race. Globally, poverty is a major issue partly due to economic inequality. Additionally, poverty is not having the finances needed for shelter, food, or clothing, which is considered the basic necessities for everyday life.

Poverty has numerous causes, consists of multiple problems, and is comprised of the poor. Most often this is due to lack of opportunity in a society marked by oppression and injustice which has led to disempowerment Merriam-Webster, The cultural stereotype for poverty has been set so that whenever we think of poverty our minds immediately jump to not having sufficient shelter, not having sufficient food, or not having sufficient clothing; however, as George states, poverty can exist in forms other than these which are so painfully obvious. George rightly contends the family, that is struggling to keep the bills paid and provide for basic needs, can be as impoverished as the family who obviously has nothing.

These families can be overlooked far to easily if we are not careful. George expresses a negative opinion of the way Habitat for Humanity portrays poverty throughout her article. To be fair, George clearly states that she is not criticizing the work that Habitat for Humanity has done. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Definition Essay: What Is Poverty? Definition Essay: What Is Poverty? Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Causes And Effects Of Poverty Essay Poverty has a variety of causes, and it also has many negative effects. Read More. Words: - Pages: 4.

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