Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Academic Weaknesses One person cannot have talents in everything, and Mathematics is my weak side. Talkative is a term used to describe someone who frequently speaks without meaning. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. For example, academic strengths and weaknesses essay, if parents treat the kid with respect since childhood, the child will be confident. Analytical thinking. Thus if you can code software to solve a definite problem, it can be one of your academic Strengths that sets you aside from others. It is significant to mention that they would never tell me which profession to choose.

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When writing a paper on the strengths and weaknesses of a particular topic, apply a SWOT analysis to your argument, academic strengths and weaknesses essay. SWOT is an acronym for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that relate to a given subject. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this issue? How do the strengths translate into opportunities? What weaknesses pose academic strengths and weaknesses essay threats? Evaluating your topic in this manner provides an analytical point of view which can be backed up with specific evidence by referencing to critical writings about the topic. The introduction should clearly present your thesis statement.

What are the pros and cons of the chosen subject? What are experts about the subject saying? State which institutions or critical writings extol the strengths and those that identify the weaknesses of your chosen subject to substantiate your argument. Identify your main subject, explaining the reasons for your choice and specifying the opposing views it raises. Relate these views to established critical opinions, providing the strengths and weaknesses of your topic in relation to its role in society or field of study. State the main strengths you have chosen to explore in your essay. Provide an overview of the associated theoretical arguments that back up your claims. Explain these strengths and the opportunities available because of these strengths.

Paraphrase the counterclaims that negate or disagree with the strengths outlined in the previous paragraph, academic strengths and weaknesses essay. List the counterarguments that theoretical writings adopt, and explore any threats inherent to these weaknesses. Relate the strengths and weaknesses outlined above to other texts and theoretical arguments, which can yield further insights to your chosen topic. Identify areas in both schools of thought that are important or controversial, and those that might invite further investigation. Formulate your own opinion backed up with the information presented in your essay.

Explore and evaluate both sides of the argument outlining how your chosen subject matter can prove to be a strength and when it can result in academic strengths and weaknesses essay weakness. Consider what countermeasures can be adopted to minimize weaknesses academic strengths and weaknesses essay threats and maximize strengths and opportunities. Summarize your argument by briefly highlighting the most important points raised, and if possible provide some potential solutions. In the conclusion, you can decide that one side of the argument you presented is more valid and state your reasons for this decision. Otherwise, you can explain what other factors need to be addressed to make an informed decision about the issue.

Maureen Cutajar started her writing career in An information-technology project manager, she shares her knowledge in computing and business management. Cutajar holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Malta, as well as an advanced diploma in computer studies from NCC Education. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. Explore this article Paper Outline Clearly present your thesis statement Identify your main subject Have chosen to explore in your essay Paraphrase the counterclaims Relate the strengths and weaknesses Formulate your own opinion Summarize your argument.

references 1 Harvard University Writing Center; Overview of the Academic Essay; Kathy Duffin; 2 Harvard University Writing Center; Counter-Argument; Gordon Harvey; About the Author Maureen Cutajar started her writing career in Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.

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The academic strengths are inbound in you and are shown when you are in competition or when you have to show how good you are in a particular learning field. Going into squares and square roots can be one of the academic weaknesses of the child, which in the long run can be improved. This has to do with the ability to accept mistakes when corrected. The mistake can be from you or someone else; all that matters or follows is that you took correction from a mistake. Discipline is the technique of teaching people to follow the rules or a code of behavior through punishment to enforce compliance. Problem-solving is the process of resolving challenging or complex problems.

It includes the ability to find a solution to problems even under pressure. The act of guiding a group of people or an organization is leadership. The ability to lead people forward, make progress, and replicate other leaders. It entails projecting a positive image and being a pleasant person to interact with. Kindness suggests a level of genuineness that friendliness does not. Honesty is the attribute of being honest. Moreover, it is the ability to defend the truth even under pressure. Creativity is defined as the tendency to develop or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be beneficial in resolving issues, interacting with others, or entertaining ourselves and others. It involves joining a book club, making sure the books are readily available, taking the chapters one at a time, taking rest when necessary, and reflecting on what you read.

The academic Strengths in this context are handling criticism and improving effectiveness. Thus if you can code software to solve a definite problem, it can be one of your academic Strengths that sets you aside from others. The ability to speak fluently is one of the major academic Strengths of an individual. If you build your language and communication skills properly, you will be valued, and everyone will love to hear you speak. This is the ability to do the right thing at the right time. If you have the self-discipline to study without procrastination one of the major academic weaknesses , you will grow in your academic strengths in school. The ability to keep time and follow the schedule will go a long way in building your reputation and being known as one that keeps time.

The ability to collaborate is one of the major academic Strengths that gives you an edge over others at a workplace. Planning is the process of considering the activities necessary to accomplish a goal. Having good organisation skills is important to have for any situation as it increases productivity. This is especially important for a university student as by being organised it allows things to run smoother and for the important tasks, such as assignments to be completed. Organisation skills also provide efficiency and can significantly decrease stress levels, as by managing time it increases overall satisfaction and productivity.

To maintain this skill I plan on keeping to to date with all class notes and focusing on assignments to help achieve the best possible grade I can. This may not be typical seen as a strength, but personally I believe it can be. Confidence has always been a key weaknesses and struggle of mine which impacts my daily life. This makes it impossible to contribute in classes and to take part in class activities because it is always a constant fear and battle. I am trying to overcome this as to become successful university and in life I will need to be able to be confident in some way. Another weakness of mine is not being able to adapt to change quickly as I like everything staying the same. However, this is not a realistic idea and since coming to university I have adapted to the change better than I thought in certain aspects, but in other trying to work on.

If I mange to graduate university with a good enough grade I would like to continue studying to get a masters degree. As this will help expand knowledge and will help me to become a more rounded individual. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you?

We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Creative thinking. Task prioritization. Discipline and determination. Analytical thinking. Communication skills. Dedication and enthusiasm. Interpersonal skills and respectfulness. The 7 Strengths include belonging, friendship, kindness, curiosity, confidence, courage and hope. As individuals, we all seek connection to a community where we feel accepted, supported, and celebrated. Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview : I focus too much on the details. I have a hard time letting go of a project. I sometimes lack confidence.

I can have trouble asking for help.

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