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Essay about the great depression

Essay about the great depression

Undoubtedly, the booming growth of labor productivity had a stabilizing effect on prices, which would otherwise be higher Reedp. He was blamed by many for the Depression. Did the nations not know that they influenced the course of the depression and in turn, essay about the great depression, the course of history. In the beginning of the essay about the great depression th century, the U. Both of these periods in the history of economics caused thousands of tragedies by depriving people of homes and savings, which they kept in the U. The Nazis were spending money on arms and construction of roads, because of it was required by the aggressive plans of Hitler, but the result was exactly what Keynes predicted: unemployment disappeared, and Hitler became a miracle worker in the eyes of millions of people Gatesp. Everyone had to get rid of the shares to avoid paying for margin loans.

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Home Blog The Great Depression. The great depression essay in front of you offers a detailed summary of what caused the Great Depression that took place between and - a period of worldwide economic crisis that began in the United States of America. From to around the s, a lot transpired across the globe. It was a dark period, which for many is better not remembered. Our great grandparents and grandparents talk about this era and you can automatically feel the pain in their voices. It was not all dark though, there were moments of fun and happiness such as the roaring 20s even if it was short lived, essay about the great depression.

Colonialism in Africa, the massacre of Jews by Hitler, racism, across the globe, the World War I and II, essay about the great depression, and the Great Depression are among the highlights of this Dark Age. It is difficult to understand why so much hate prevailed, however, a closer look reveals a common factor, politics and superiority. Humans are megalomaniac by nature, there's no doubt about that - who wouldn't want some power for themselves. And so, essay about the great depression, when we submit to our instincts without any consideration for the consequences, the results are often disastrous.

The Great Depression just like the other occurrences of that period in history are a result of politics, selfishness and greed. There are numerous angles from which one can analyze the Great Depression, and therefore you will often come across a variety of essay about the great depression. Examples include:. These are just but to mention a few. Note from the above list, there's a mention of Canada. This was because it was among countries that were terribly affected by the economic crisis. After the US when into recession inCanada followed suit immediately. This is probably because her main trading partners were Britain and the United States who were already in a crisis.

The economic struggles essay about the great depression in this country were dire at households had to struggle to barely survive. Food lines were a common thing as a significant percentage of the population relied on the government for support. From the above, it is explanatory why you will also come across "the great depression in Canada essay". Inthe prosperous United States was faced with a worst economic crisis. In the years leading to the Great Depression, America was a glamorous and blooming nation, a period commonly referred to as the roaring 20s. That was not to last, essay about the great depression, the Great Depression came, and it became nothing but desperation and starvation.

For a society that valued success to the extent that it was a measure of self-worth, a lot of people got depressed and felt humiliated. Not being able to provide for your family is a bummer even at this age which would explain why most people felt shame. The United stated was not the only country affected by the turn of events. It was a worldwide economic depression that saw industrialized economies such as those of France, Japan, Italy, Germany and Britain brought to their essay about the great depression. Germany, in particular, was already in a crisis as they were experiencing hyperinflation. To make the situation worse than it already was for Germany, France and Britain demanded that they pay them World War I reparations which were exorbitantly large.

The period from tosaw the United States have four different sitting presidents before relief could come. It was during President Franklin Essay about the great depression Roosevelt era that relief came. The New deal saw Americans faith in the banks restored, and laws passed to restore the economy back to where it was. Although the New Deal worked for some time and reforms done on it to make it even better, it eventually collapsed. It led to what came to be known as "Roosevelt Recession", this was in What really brought America back to its knees was World War II. It is almost ironical that what saved a starving and desperate nation was war. This was in December of Things took a better turn, and America began its economic recovery to the beaming success it is now.

So, what led to this dark era? A combination of factors led to the Great Depression. A look at the series of events that took place between andit is evident that politics and leadership contributed significantly. From tothe United States had four presidents: Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Each had their own policies and agenda that contributed to the Great Depression. Leaders have the responsibility of guiding the society to survival, success, happiness and overall fulfillment of life. Therefore, they will each create policies that will enable them to be in a position to do so. President Harding came to power in and passed on unexpectedly in He was replaced by President Coolidge. They both shared similar conservatism principles economically and politically.

The result was that big businesses became successful once again. However, corruption became a problem, especially during Harding's presidency. It was during President Herbert Hoover's leadership that the stock market crashed in what came to be known as "Black Tuesday" in October of This was the beginning of the Great Depression. A lot of people lost their savings in the banks. It was an economic crisis that saw many struggles for survival. Popular during this era were "Hoverflies", shanty towns that sprang up across the country when people lost their homes and sources of income. He was blamed by many for the Depression. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt offered some relief with his policies, but this was not to last eventually leading to what came to be called "Roosevelt Recession".

He was responsible for helping banks restore customer faith in them. The New Deal offered some economic relief. A look at the four presidents reveals that in one way essay about the great depression another, their leadership had a hand in the Great Depression. The roaring 20s was an era characterized by economic success and social change. It was a period that saw new innovations such as motion picture, cars, airplanes and radios. It was the start of suburban America. However, this revolution was not without its downsides. This new lifestyle went against their conservatism and essay about the great depression felt it was affecting their heritage.

Therefore, many people were persecuted for this in what came to be known as the Red Scare. This was in to They also adopted anti-immigration policies that saw foreigners convicted for crimes not committed. Changes in culture had an impact on the Great Depression. Fundamentalism and prohibitory laws passed between and negatively affected society. The prohibition of sale and consumption of alcohol, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, and the church preaching hate. The stock market collapsed in October of This was during President Hoover leadership, essay about the great depression. It marked the start of the great depression. He, however, tried to reassure the people that all was going to be well. Instead, he passed policies and raised tariffs that made the situation worse. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to power he passed a number of laws targeted at helping financial institutions.

Commonly referred to as "the New Deal". Although essay about the great depression started having faith in banks, he eventually lost popularity. His court packing system saw the end of the New Deal. The creation of agencies helped various sectors of the economy recover. It did not last though, essay about the great depression, as the recession began once again in Eventually, in December of when America finally joined in World War II, the Great Depression finally come to an end. Despite President Harding's and Coolidge's stance on interference with other nations, they went to war and it brought the depression to an end.

The great depression essay helps us appreciate the society we are in today. If it were not for the efforts of the leadership and the people in general of that era, America may not be what is today. The to period saw the country at highest on the success ladder and go to its lowest within a short span of time. However, the suffering and depression lasted way longer. The great depression essay serves a reminder of what poor choices and leadership can lead the society to. The great depression essay paper reveals what every society must "do" or "not do" if essay about the great depression are to attain success.

Order now. I want to order. Calculate your price. Type of paper Essay. Academic level Undergraduate. Deadline 14 days. Introduction The great depression essay in front of you offers a detailed summary of what caused the Great Depression that took place between and - a period of worldwide economic crisis that began in the United States of America.

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Government reforms of Roosevelt helped to overcome the Great Depression and promoted economic growth in the United States. However, they have not solved all the problems associated with the Great Depression. To the end of the Great Depression there were millions of unemployed, thousands of abandoned businesses and farms in the country Steinbeck The Great Depression in the United States had impact on the major world economies and policies pursued by many countries. In most states, a policy of protectionism increased the duties on the imported goods to stimulate domestic producers, which caused multiple contraction of international trade. To improve effective balance and increase competitiveness of domestic goods, many countries took devaluation of the currency including U.

The level of industrial production regressed by 30 years to the beginning of the 20 th century. The business of farmers and small entrepreneurs has got worse. The number of unemployed in industrialized countries with a market economy was more than 30 million people; at the same time the number of supporters of both communist and fascist regimes rose Hudson M The worst economic crisis hit the United States and Germany, the most developed capitalist countries, where domination of powerful monopolies in the economic life was undivided. The depth of economic crisis in France was not so deep, but the crisis lasted there until About the same situation was with industrial production in Italy. It declined by almost a third.

In England, the decline in production in the industry sector, which has just reached the level it had before the crisis in , was relatively small. Crisis in the Nordic countries was relatively less deep Bernanke, James, However, it is necessary to pay attention, considering the two concepts of overcoming the effects of the Crisis that took place in Germany and France. In Germany, the concept of recovery was associated with strengthening of the Fascist party in the political life of the country and its rise to power. The core of the economic policies of fascism was militarization of the capitalist economy; active use of direct and indirect levers of government regulation; the use of coercive economic growth of the public sector in military production; a huge increase in military spending; increasing tax burden; the policy of autarky; appearance of the elements of the planned organization of production; unchecked growth of bureaucracy and complexity of managing the economy — all these changes were derived from the main, militant, function of fascism in the economy.

With the financial support of American monopolies, Nazi Germany revived and updated heavy industry and greatly increased military capabilities, creating a powerful military and economic base. The results of government policy were impressive. They allowed Germany to avoid the economic crisis of years Friedman, Schwartz, In France, the crisis came later than to other countries. There was a decline in industrial production in France until the end of s. It was not as deep as in the U. or Germany, but lasted longer than in any other major capitalist country. In France, the recovery from the crisis was associated with formation of the so-called Popular Front government, headed by Blum.

In the economic sphere, it carried out actions that, first of all, contributed to the advancement of the middle class and small-scale producers:. In the field of agriculture, the State Grain Bureau was established, which has been buying grain from farmers at fixed prices, which were higher than the lowest crisis prices, twice or even triple as large. In the field of finance, Bank of France was reformed. The Bank was placed under control of state, although it remained the property of individuals. Many policies that the government put out hurt and slowed the recovering economy. One act known as the American Hawley-Smooth of crushed the European industry which was already unstable from the depression. It stopped European trade and prevented European from earning the almighty dollar.

This Act also destroyed any possibilities of regaining the money loaned to them during World War I. The collapse of the German Banking system in had monumental affects on the entire world. It aided to turn, what would have been, a small economic problem into the Great Depression. The Germans also blamed the depression on the harsh terms imposed by the Versailles Treaty, especially the reparation they were forced to pay. They claimed the reparations brought down the economic vitality of their country to an all time low. Not one single book I have read has blamed any one specific country for the start of this catastrophe. As a matter of fact, each book has said if the countries would have worked in unison rather than focusing solely on themselves we might not have ever heard of the Great Depression.

Nobody knows what the result would have been if the countries worked together and resolved the problem before it festered as it did. No one ever envisioned the extensive duration of the depression. My only prayer is that we never see another time like this again. When American producers cut back on their purchases of raw materials and other supplies, the effect on other countries was devastating. After Great Britain was again forced to leave the gold standard in , many foreign banks withdrew deposits from America in the form of gold: they were afraid that the United States might go off the gold standard too. High unemployment was the most alarming aspect of the Great Depression. It has been estimated that in about thirty million workers were jobless, about two-thirds of these in three countries — the United States, Germany, and Great Britain.

If anything, this estimate is low. The homeless rate increased dramatically. So much so that many people did not even have a roof over their heads. Women played a new role during this time. When a man lost his job and was having difficulty locating a new one, it was up to the women to work. Worldwide, in about one-third of all workers were women. There was also, however, the more immediate problem of what to do about the people who were unemployed and needed assistance merely to survive. Whether efforts to aid the unemployed would help to end the depression or make it worse was a matter of risk-taking.

Another way to solve the unemployment problem was to export people to other countries that had available jobs so that people could survive. I do not think the Great Depression could have been avoided: we simply do not live in a perfect world. There is no way of telling when or if the next depression will occur. I feel if the governments worked together then the depression would not have been such a catastrophe as it ended up being. Did the nations not know that they influenced the course of the depression and in turn, the course of history. Many farm families had large gardens with enough food crops and in some families, women made clothes from flour and feed sacks and generally, these farm families learned how to survive with what they have and little money.

Get your assignments done by real pros. Save your precious time and boost your marks with ease. Just fill in your HW requirements and you can count on us! Furthermore, the town and cities suffered too, for instance, as the factories were shutting down following the depression many industrial workers were left jobless. The life in the city was not easy as many individuals lived in overcrowded and unheated houses with poor sanitation. In addition, many firms closed and many individuals lost their jobs and had to deal with the reality of living in poverty.

Town families were unable to produce their own food and so many city dwellers often went hungry during this period. During winter, they had hard times overcoming the cold because they had no money to buy coal to warm their houses. During the depression, the known role of women was homemaking because they had a difficult time finding jobs and so the only thing they were supposedly good at was preparing meals for their families and keeping their families together. Some women who managed to have jobs supported their families in overcoming this difficult time. Accordingly, many children were deprived their right to have access to quality education because many societies had to close down their schools due to lack of money.

Some of them managed to be in schools but majority dropped out. Many children and even adults died from diseases and malnutrition Gunderson 4. The minority groups in America especially the African American population who lived in rural areas working on the farms of white owners. Even though they lived in poverty, the Depression made the situation worse as their lived changed completely and remained extremely poor because the farmers they were working for had lost their land. All in all, many families struggled to leave on low incomes or no jobs with many children starving; lacked shelter and clothing as well as medical attention Freedman 4. In conclusion, the Great Depression was a tragic time in American history that left many people poor, unemployed or little pay, and children forced to work at a younger age.

Many individuals were unemployed and remained desperate searching for better lives. In addition, children had no access to quality education as most of them left school and sadly they accompanied their mothers to look for work and search for a new life. However, some people particularly the employers and the wealthy were not affected during this period because they were protected from the depression with their position in the society. Evans, Paul. For more help, tap into our pool of professional writers and get expert essay editing services!

Hall, Thomas E, and Ferguson J D. The Great Depression: An International Disaster of Perverse Economic Policies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Internet resource.

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